Health Articles

Flexor tendons are tissues that help you control the movement of your hand. They act like a rubber band, bending and contracting. Therefore it can be extremely difficult to bend or move your fingers or thumb when you injure a flexor tendon.

De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is the result of inflammation in the tendon sheath of the wrist, which acts as a covering for the two tendons between the wrist and thumb.

Pickleball is a great way to stay active and have plenty of fun, but as with any sport, it does come with a risk of injury. Even a casual pickleball player could be vulnerable to a number of hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder problems. 

Wrist tendonitis is a condition caused by trauma or repetitive use that results in wrist pain and swelling. It is important to know and understand the treatment options available for wrist tendonitis.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and debilitating disorder that afflicts more than one million people. It is the result of a pinching of the median nerve in the hand, which causes pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, and inflammation.

A wrist fusion involves joining bones of the wrist together to help improve their alignment. Typically, this surgery is performed as a treatment for arthritis in the wrist.

While a large percentage of tennis players will suffer from tennis elbow at some point in their career, they only make up a small percentage of all reported cases of tennis elbow.

Shoulder pain is a common complaint heard in many doctor’s offices. Like any medical problem, receiving a proper diagnosis for the cause of the pain is important for determining the proper treatment method.

“Cell phone elbow” is not a new condition. Dating back to 1958, it causes tingling and numbness in patients’ ring and pinkie fingers.

Injuries, genetics, and the repetitive use of our hands can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition causes pain and irritation and hinders a person’s ability to function at work and home.